Camp RegistrationFootball AcademyPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Child Name *Date of Birth *Age *School *Parent/Guardian Name *Parent/Guardian NamePhone Number *Email *Food AllergyExtra informationWeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayFull week (5 days)No thank youOtherBy submitting this form, you are giving your permission for your child to participate in the BANGKOK ENSI SPORT and this waiver insurance. The parents or guardian of the above name child acknowledge that participating in football activities can result in injury to Bangkok Ensi Sport and the venue owner(s)assumes no liability and injury resulting from lessons. Please make sure that you have adequate insurance for participating in our activities.Note: if you create a booking sheet already from June - August and a winter sheet from December - January. It wouldn't be necessary to create a downloadable form.Submit For more information, please contact us: Email: [email protected] Phone: +66(0)99-408-0336 (English and French) Phone: +66 062-095-4912 (Thai) line id: @cvw3496w